• Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Pamplona
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    Resultados 501-510 de 2252.
    Resultados por ítem:
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2018L´évasion dans l’écriture creative comme une stratégie visant à optimiser la production écrite des textes académiques et littéraires en cours du fle niveau b2 de l’université de Pamplona : une recherche action.Pabón Ascanio, Jhon Edinson.
    2018Evelopment of receptive communication skills through neurodidactic strategies in sixth grade learners at José Antonio Galan school in Pamplona, Colombia.Villamizar Medina, Jessica Manuela.
    2017Implementing role plays and simulations as a means to reinforce the oral competence of 10th grade students at José Rafael Faría Bermúdez high School: an action research.Morinelly Mendez, Jesid Alberto.
    2016Implementing the student school newspaper in order to improve writing skills in brighton high school.Villamizar La Rotta, Andreina
    2016Implementing sq3r (survey, question, read, recite, and review) method to improve 6th grade students’ reading comprehension at bethlemitas Brighton high school in pamplona.Colmenares Cáceres, Anderson Fabian.
    2018Implementing fairy tales as a tool to enhance creative writing in seventh graders at escuela Normal Superior in Pamplona, Colombia: an action research.Suarez Carvajal, Jeniffer Elizabeth.
    2018Implementing interactive speaking activities to enhance oral production in EFL students at José Rafael Faría Bermudez high school action researchGutierrez Carvajal, Duvan Arley.
    2017Storytelling to improve eighth graders’ oral production at Escuela Normal Superior de Pamplona.Silva Rey, Esther Paola.
    2017The use of video recordings as a didactic tool to improve 8 th grade students’ speaking skills at Normal Superior high school: action research.Rodríguez Rojas, Jam Carlos Ariosto.
    2019Formación familiar en orientación vocacional y ocupacional de estudiantes con discapacidad del colegio Bicentenario.Posada Valcarcel, Johana Vanessa.