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  • Trabajos de pregrado y especialización
  • Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
  • Licenciatura Lenguas Extranjeras Página de inicio de la colección

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    Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 101 a 120 de 244
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2020Enhancing 8th grade students' English speaking skill through the implementation of communicative games: A qualitative action research.Durán Ordoñez, Estefanía.
    2021The implementation of short stories to enhance reading skill in 7th and 8th grade students at Provincial San José School.Rosas Mendoza, Erika Paola.
    2020Implementing songs as a tool to enhance pronunciation in 9th-grade students at San Juan Bosco High School in Arboledas, Colombia: An action research.García Díaz, Emerson David.
    2020Implementing tales through the StoryJumper software as an online instructional tool to develop sixth grade students' reading comprehension skills of a public school in Colombia.Arzuaga Cantor, Edward David.
    2021The use of an educational blog to improve 10th grade Students’ Written Skill At ‘José Rafael Faria Bermudez High School’: An Action Research.Lozada Espinel, Edna Mayrely.
    2021The use of flash fiction stories as a strategy to encourage literary writing in eleventh-grade students at Instituto Técnico Patios Centro 2: An action research study.Flórez, Edgar.
    2020The implementation of movie trailers to encourage cultural learning as strategy to improve listening comprehension in eigth grade students At José Antonio Galán High School.Oses López, Diego Andrés.
    2020Improving ninth graders writing skills by the implementation of a portfolio-based assessment.Peinado Garcia, Vianny Michelle.
    2020Enhancing writing skills in 11th graders through the creation of a Pamplona tourist guide using task based learning at the Agueda Gallardo de Villamizar School.Muñoz Olivares, Segny Piedad.
    2020The implementation of culture for the growth of the four languages skills among ninth-grade students at the Centro Educativo Rural San Miguel: Task-Based Learning approach.Aguirre Contreras, Ricardo Antonio.
    2020Enhancing reading comprehension and environmental awareness with short stories among seventh grade students at the Ortún Velasco Institution: An action research.Díaz Ferrer, Paula Andrea.
    2019Implementing creative writing through short stories to strengthen the writing skill in the students of Bethlemitas Brighton High School.Rodriguez Villamizar, Paola Andrea.
    2020Implementation of technological resources as a way to improve writing skills in A1 students from the University of Pamplona.Acevedo Campo, Oscar Fernando.
    2020Implementing vocabulary games with 8th Graders as a motivation strategy to improve their writing skills at Provincial San Jose High School: An Action Research.Flórez Cacua, Nubia Brillit.
    2020Instilling 7TH Graders’ Oral Production Through Oral Tasks at Brighton High School: An Action Research.Antolinez Coavas, Nelly Graciela.
    2020The use of short stories as a strategy to enhance reading comprehension through reciprocal teaching training: A classroom action research at the seventh-grade students of Jose Antonio Galan school.Vitta Gelves, Naren Mauricio.
    2020Reading comprehension as a technique to improve the writing skill at eighth grade students from a public school: an action research.Arzuaga Cantor, Naren Yusleidy.
    2019The implementation of critical and reflective quotes to have a good coexistence and to improve english in seventh grade students at José Antonio Galán high school.Villarreal Ruiz, Michael Johanny.
    2020Implementing video blogs as a tool to improve speaking skills in 6th grade students from Provincial San José High School.Delgado Chía, María Fernanda.
    2020Reading as a tool of learning to foster the awareness of the anglophone Culture in 10th grade students at San Bartolome High School: an action research.Morales Rodríguez, María Angélica.
    Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 101 a 120 de 244