• Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Pamplona
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    Resultados 131-140 de 244.
    Resultados por ítem:
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2021Implementing Anglophone culture aspects to improve Reading comprehension in eleven-grade students from Educational Institution Provincial San José, an action research.Rozo Tovar, Angie Islena.
    2020PBL to foster awareness and culture based on home-made remedies in EFL.Jiménez Fuentes, Eylen Juliana.
    2021Comic Strips as a Tool to Enhance Written Production at 6° Grade Students at the Educational Institution San Francisco de Asís, Cristo Rey headquarter: An Action Research.Montaña Rincón, Anyi Alexandra.
    2020Implementation of reading comprehension strategies to increase eleventh-grade students' reading skills.Suárez Niño, Aura Karina.
    2020Implementing video blogs as a tool to improve speaking skills in 6th grade students from Provincial San José High School.Delgado Chía, María Fernanda.
    2020Reading as a tool of learning to foster the awareness of the anglophone Culture in 10th grade students at San Bartolome High School: an action research.Morales Rodríguez, María Angélica.
    2020The use of short stories as a strategy to enhance reading comprehension through reciprocal teaching training: A classroom action research at the seventh-grade students of Jose Antonio Galan school.Vitta Gelves, Naren Mauricio.
    2020Implementing SQ3R strategy through short texts to foster reading comprehension skill.Quintero Garcia, Luz Stefanny.
    2019The implementation of critical and reflective quotes to have a good coexistence and to improve english in seventh grade students at José Antonio Galán high school.Villarreal Ruiz, Michael Johanny.
    2020Instilling 7TH Graders’ Oral Production Through Oral Tasks at Brighton High School: An Action Research.Antolinez Coavas, Nelly Graciela.