• Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Pamplona
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    Resultados 1311-1320 de 2250.
    Resultados por ítem:
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2018The use of songs to develop speaking skills in 8th graders at ‘la presentation high school’ through project-based learning: an action research.Moreno Cárdenas, Luisa Fernanda.
    2018Implementing the learners diary as tool to increase the vocabulary and to ameliorate the writing skill at José Horacio Betancourt high school in 6th and 7th grade in Medellín Colombia: an action research.Castro Figueroa, Leandro.
    2017La mise en place de l’approche interculturelle pour encourager les compétences de production chez les apprenants de fle niveau a2-b1.1.Gamarra Vargas, Nelson Daniel.
    2016Guía de adaptaciones curriculares dirigida a docentes, para orientar la inclusión educativa de niños y jóvenes con necesidades educativas especiales (N.E.E), del Seminario Menor “Santo Tomás de Aquino” de la Ciudad de Pamplona.Camperos Florez, Gloria Esperanza,; Portilla Martínez, Jennifer Loreny.
    2018Enhancing writing skills through comic strips in students from 7th grade at Bethlemitas Brighton school in Pamplona, Colombia.Calderon Rios, Karen Yisbel.
    2018Analyzing song lyrics as a tool to strength 7 th graders’ reading comprehension to improve written production at Provincial San Jose high school in Pamplona, Norte de Santander: an action research.Jimenez Martinez, Jocsan Gaddiel.
    2017Implementing drama activities as a strategy to enhance oral production in EFL students at Jose rafael Fair high school: an action research.Mantilla Gutiérrez, Lizeth Tatiana.
    2017Developing oral skill through the use of task-based learning approach at Agueda Gallardo de Villamizar high school.Barroso Guerra, Gever Luis.
    2018L’influence des nouvelles technologies dans l’implémentation de la pédagogie par projets pour la production orale des étudiants niveau a1 dans une Université publique en Colombie : une recherche-action.Velandia García, Henry Antonio