• Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Pamplona
  • Trabajos de pregrado y especialización
  • Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
  • Licenciatura Lenguas Extranjeras Página de inicio de la colección

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    Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 244
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2022Using narrative texts through educational videos to enhance writing skill in seventh graders at Instituto Técnico Patios Centro dos: an action Research.Valencia Torres, Maria Fernanda.
    2022The use of communicative tasks to foster 6th graders speaking skill at Jose Eustasio Rivera high school: An action research.Hernández Diaz, Margy Yorgelis.
    2022Improving seventh grade learners’ reading skills and vocabulary through literary texts at El Castillo high school.Muñoz Domínguez, Loren Lisbeth.
    2022The use of pictures as a strategy to foster the speaking skills of 11th grade students at the Francisco Jose de Caldas high school in CucutaMéndez Castillo, Linda Lucía.
    2022Audiovisual tools as a strategy to strengthen the listening and speaking skills in the teaching-learning process of the English language with the 9th grade students at Institución Educativa Técnica Tomás Vásquez Rodríguez Paipa-Boyacá. An action Research.Ruiz Calderón, Leidy Nataly.
    2022Tik Tok as a Tool to Enhance Oral Production in Twelfth Graders at Escuela Normal Superior María Auxiliadora: An Action Research.Lizarazo Rolón, Keyla Andrea.
    2021Implementation of reading through short stories, a strategy for learning a foreign language in the ninth grade at the Águeda Gallardo Villamizar Technical School: an action research.Pombo Vera, Lynda Stephany.
    2020Implementing art as a tool to foster the written production in 10th grade's students from a public School in Colombia: an action research.Peñaloza Rodríguez, Luz Adriana.
    2020Implementation of task-based short stories to enhance writing skills in 10th grade students at Bethlemitas Brighton School.Ramírez Uribe, Luisa Fernanda.
    2021Enhancing ninth grade students oral comprehension through the use of online games at Bethlemitas Brighton School: An action research.Suarez Llanes, Nathaly.
    2021The use of short videos as a mean for improving speaking skill through environmental awareness in 11th grade students at the educational institution Francisco José de Caldas.Díaz Forero, Mónica Paola.
    2021The use of videoclips as an audiovisual material in the development of the students’ English listening skill from ninth and tenth courses in a public high school in Los Patios : an action research.Mesa Capacho, Mileidy Esmeralda.
    2021Improving students' reading comprehension by the implementation of worksheets using short stories at ninth and seventh grade students “Instituto Técnico Los Patios Centro N° 2”: An action research.Contreras Montoya, María José.
    2021Implementing gamification to motivate learning english vocabulary and enhance grammar on seventh grade students at Francisco José de Caldas School.Galvis Contreras, Luisa Fernanda.
    2021The use of text illustrations and visual imagery as a teaching strategy to promote reading habits in a sixth-grade English course.Londoño Villegas, Luis Gabriel.
    2022Short stories as a strategy to enhance reading comprehension and promote written production of students in 10th grade at José Aquilino Durán School.Herrera Castellanos, Karla Michell.
    2021Implementation of storytelling and songs as source of development of the basic english components in 10th grade students at Bethlemitas Brighton high school in Pamplona: an action research design.Villamizar Pérez, July Andrea.
    2022Significant Strategies for Developing Reading Comprehension in a Foreign Language at Francisco José de Caldas High School in Cúcuta: Action Research.Vargas Bernal, Julieth Paola.
    2022Enhancing 8th and 9th grade students´ English reading comprehension through the implementation of Mind Maps.Gamboa Bermúdez, Juan José
    2022Dialogues as a tool to promote listening and speaking skills in B1 level students at Antonio Nariño school-Yopal.Mesa Mendivelso, José Daniel.
    Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 244