• Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Pamplona
  • Trabajos de pregrado y especialización
  • Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
  • Licenciatura Lenguas Extranjeras Página de inicio de la colección

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    Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 221 a 240 de 244
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2017Implementing song writing and composition to foster high school student's writing skills at the Normal Superior of Pamplona: an action research.Lizcano Prieto, Carlos Augusto.
    2018A travelogue based on genre approach to develop writing skills of 6th grade students at Bethlemitas Brighton high school: an action research.Camargo Pacheco, Bárbara Del Pilar.
    2017Task-based learning: an action research to enhance Itasfa high school students’ reading comprehension.Tolosa Tolosa, Andrés Felipe.
    2016Guía de adaptaciones curriculares dirigida a docentes, para orientar la inclusión educativa de niños y jóvenes con necesidades educativas especiales (N.E.E), del Seminario Menor “Santo Tomás de Aquino” de la Ciudad de Pamplona.Camperos Florez, Gloria Esperanza,; Portilla Martínez, Jennifer Loreny.
    2016Programa de intervención pedagógica para superar lectura carencial, Sustitucòn y Omisòn, de los niños de primer grado de la Institución Educativa Colegio Agustina Ferro, Sede el Carmen, del Municipio de Ocaña, Norte de Santander.Rincón Claro, Cindy Karina.
    2016Re ading literary stories as a teaching tool to enhance the pronunciation and the vocabulary acquisition in 6th and 7th graders at José Antonio Galán high School: an action research.Cañas Afanador, Vanessa.
    2016PBL as a method to foster 21st century learning skills at la presentación high school.Garay Alquichire, Karen Johana.
    2016The use of authentic online streaming videos to enhance the oral production of 11th graders form a public School located in Floridablanca-Santander.Cárdenas Serrano, Juan Felipe.
    2017Implementing role plays and simulations as a means to reinforce the oral competence of 10th grade students at José Rafael Faría Bermúdez high School: an action research.Morinelly Mendez, Jesid Alberto.
    2016Minimizing students’ anxiety through cooperative learning as an approach to improve their oral production.Salcedo Urzola, Eduardo.
    2016Implementing Skimmimg And Scanning Techniques To Improve Student´s Reading And Writing Skills.Trabajo de grado Universidad de Pamplona.Casadiegos Niz, Camilo Andres.
    2016Implementation Of Short Dialogues To Enhance High School Students’ Speaking At “Escuela Normal Superior Pamplona.”Vega Toro, Beatriz.
    2016Implementing the student school newspaper in order to improve writing skills in brighton high school.Villamizar La Rotta, Andreina
    2016Implementing sq3r (survey, question, read, recite, and review) method to improve 6th grade students’ reading comprehension at bethlemitas Brighton high school in pamplona.Colmenares Cáceres, Anderson Fabian.
    2016Applying literary texts as a strategy to encourage reading comprehension and written production at San Francisco de Asís Secondary School: action research.Flórez Cifuentes, Nixon Esneider.
    2016Implementing skimming and scanning techniques to improve reading skills at José Antonio Galán a public High School.Tapias García, Nasly Fanlaine.
    2016L’utilisation des médias français en tant qu’outilspédagogiques pour contribuer au développement de laproduction orale chez les étudiantsde cinquième semestrede la licence en langues étrangères de l’université de Pamplona: une recherche action.Díaz Ferrer, Maryan Lizeth.
    2015Content based second language learning as training to create natural communication and increase reading comprehension level in La Normal Superior School in tenth and eleventh grades.Franco Torres, Luis Gabriel.
    2016Implementing sequenced story picture to foster writing skills in 9th grade students at Agueda Gallardo High School: an action researchVelasco Vera, Leidy Fernanda.
    2016Enhancing the 8th grade student´s writing skill through authentic material in the José Rafael Faria High School: an action research.Torres Peñaloza, Juan Carlos.
    Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 221 a 240 de 244