• Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Pamplona
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    Resultados 231-240 de 244.
    Resultados por ítem:
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2018Implementing interactive speaking activities to enhance oral production in EFL students at José Rafael Faría Bermudez high school action researchGutierrez Carvajal, Duvan Arley.
    2017Storytelling to improve eighth graders’ oral production at Escuela Normal Superior de Pamplona.Silva Rey, Esther Paola.
    2017The use of video recordings as a didactic tool to improve 8 th grade students’ speaking skills at Normal Superior high school: action research.Rodríguez Rojas, Jam Carlos Ariosto.
    2018A travelogue based on genre approach to develop writing skills of 6th grade students at Bethlemitas Brighton high school: an action research.Camargo Pacheco, Bárbara Del Pilar.
    2017Task-based learning: an action research to enhance Itasfa high school students’ reading comprehension.Tolosa Tolosa, Andrés Felipe.
    2017Fostering A1 Narrative Written Production through the implementation of “Bicentenario’ Journal”: Action Research among Tenth grade students at Bicentenario Public School.Yanez Toloza, Anyela Yulieth.
    2017Implementing the portfolio as a tool to foster writing skill a1 Level through task based learning approach: an action research at Bicentenario’s School.Sierra Medina, Manuel Ignacio.
    2017Reinforcing A1 written production through flash fiction stories and cooperative learning approach: an action research among 8:01 grade students at Monseñor Jaime Prieto Amaya School.Muñoz Betancourt, Rafael David.
    2017Fostering reading comprehension through directed reading Thinking activity (DRTA) strategy by adopting a cooperative Learning approach: an action research among eighth grade Students in a public school.Avilèz Mendoza, Sandra.
    2017Short stories and Reading comprehension through Content based Instruction an Action Research among Ninth Grade at Policarpa High School Cúcuta.Caicedo Diaz, Laura.