• Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Pamplona
  • Trabajos de pregrado y especialización
  • Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
  • Licenciatura Lenguas Extranjeras
  • Por favor, use este identificador para citar o enlazar este ítem: http://repositoriodspace.unipamplona.edu.co/jspui/handle/20.500.12744/1918
    Título : Implementing fairy tales as a tool to enhance creative writing in seventh graders at escuela Normal Superior in Pamplona, Colombia: an action research.
    Autor : Suarez Carvajal, Jeniffer Elizabeth.
    Palabras clave : La autora no proporciona la información sobre este ítem.
    Fecha de publicación : 2018
    Editorial : Universidad de Pamplona – Facultad de Educación
    Citación : Suarez Carvajal, J. E. (2017). Implementing fairy tales as a tool to enhance creative writing in seventh graders at escuela Normal Superior in Pamplona, Colombia: an action research [Trabajo de Grado Pregrado, Universidad de Pamplona]. Repositorio Hulago Universidad de Pamplona. http://repositoriodspace.unipamplona.edu.co/jspui/handle/20.500.12744/1918
    Resumen : La autora no proporciona la información sobre este ítem
    Descripción : This action research was conducted in order to evaluate how the use fairy tale reading can improve students’ English creative writing skills. A sample of 10 students from seventh grade of the Escuela Normal Superior de Pamplona supports this research. The researcher took a ten week program that implied a set of activities based on communicative approaches which focused on the process rather than the product. The students learned English by interacting communicatively and purposefully while engaged in meaningful activities. Tasks are either those that the students need to achieve in real life, or those that have a pedagogical purpose specific to the classroom. Data was collected through classroom observations, students’ artifacts and semi-structure interviews, and then analyzed.To interpret and analyzed data was coded and categorized in three main categories.The findings of the present study revealed that the use of authentic material such as, fairy tales or children’s’ literature in an interactive and communicative context contributes to the development of written production and comprehension as well promotes students’ confidence by providing them with plenty of opportunities to use the target language in the classroom without being constantly afraid of making mistakes when writing.
    URI : http://repositoriodspace.unipamplona.edu.co/jspui/handle/20.500.12744/1918
    Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura Lenguas Extranjeras

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