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  • Trabajos de pregrado y especialización
  • Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
  • Licenciatura Lenguas Extranjeras
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    dc.contributor.authorMojica Valbuena, María Andreina.-
    dc.identifier.citationMojica Valbuena, M. (2017). Improving A1 writing production through authentical visual aids material and cooperative learning approach: an Action Research among Eighth Grade Students at Bicentenario School [Trabajo de Grado Pregrado, Universidad de Pamplona]. Repositorio Hulago Universidad de Pamplona. http://repositoriodspace.unipamplona.edu.co/jspui/handle/20.500.12744/8196es_CO
    dc.descriptionLa autora no proporciona información sobre este ítem.es_CO
    dc.description.abstractLa autora no proporciona información sobre este ítem.es_CO
    dc.publisherUniversidad de Pamplona - Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación.es_CO
    dc.subjectEl autor no proporciona información sobre este ítem.es_CO
    dc.titleImproving A1 writing production through authentical visual aids material and cooperative learning approach: an Action Research among Eighth Grade Students at Bicentenario School.es_CO
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    dc.relation.referencesUniversity of Leicester, this study guide is one of a series produced by Student Learning Development at the University of Leicester. As part of our services we provide a range of resources for students wishing to develop their academic and transferable skills. studyhelp@le.ac.uk | www.le.ac.uk/succeedinyourstudies Ferrance, E. ( as cited by Watss, 1995) Action Research https://www.brown.edu/academics/educationalliance/sites/brown.edu.academics.educationalliance/files/publications/act_research.pdf Borgia and Shuler (1996) Action Research http://www.wou.edu/~girodm/library/ch9.pdfes_CO
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    Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura Lenguas Extranjeras

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