• Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Pamplona
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    Resultados 1301-1310 de 2250.
    Resultados por ítem:
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2018The Implementation of Role-Plays and Games to Improve Eleventh Grade Students’ Speaking Skills at Bethletimas Brighton School.Castellanos Castellanos, Syndy Yulieth.
    2015Content based second language learning as training to create natural communication and increase reading comprehension level in La Normal Superior School in tenth and eleventh grades.Franco Torres, Luis Gabriel.
    2018Les documents authentiques en classe de fle; une strategie pour développer la compètence de production orale chez les étudiants de français intermediaire ii niveau b1 du cadre commun de reference une recherche- action.Herrera Anaya, Tania Lorena.
    2016Implementing Skimmimg And Scanning Techniques To Improve Student´s Reading And Writing Skills.Trabajo de grado Universidad de Pamplona.Casadiegos Niz, Camilo Andres.
    2018The use of comics strips as an innovative tool to improve vocabulary and english writing production in 10th grader students from Provincial San José high school in Pamplona Norte de Santander: an action research.Salgado Araujo, Raúl Eduardo.
    2016Implementation Of Short Dialogues To Enhance High School Students’ Speaking At “Escuela Normal Superior Pamplona.”Vega Toro, Beatriz.
    2016Programa de intervención pedagógica para superar lectura carencial, Sustitucòn y Omisòn, de los niños de primer grado de la Institución Educativa Colegio Agustina Ferro, Sede el Carmen, del Municipio de Ocaña, Norte de Santander.Rincón Claro, Cindy Karina.
    2018The use of comics strips as an innovative tool to improve vocabulary and english writing production in 10th grader students from Provincial San José high school in Pamplona Norte de Santander: an action research.Gamarra Vargas, Nelson Daniel.
    2017Encourager la créativité chez les apprenants de fle du niveau a2 pour donner un renouveau à la pratique Pedagogique.Páez Mendoza, Nancy Liliana.
    2016Minimizing students’ anxiety through cooperative learning as an approach to improve their oral production.Salcedo Urzola, Eduardo.