• Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Pamplona
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    Resultados 1061-1070 de 2250.
    Resultados por ítem:
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2019Developing critical thinking through receptive and productive skills in a foreign language class: an action research project on tenth grade students at Jose Rafael Faria Bermúdez high school.Pavas Amado, Brayan Samir
    2018Implementing school newspapers to develop reading and writing students’ skills at the Jose Antonio Galan high school.Montañez Jaimes, Brayan Ferney.
    2018Improving 8th graders oral production through simulations at “escuela normal superior de Pamplona”.García Vásquez, Daniela Fernanda.
    2016Implementing sequenced story picture to foster writing skills in 9th grade students at Agueda Gallardo High School: an action researchVelasco Vera, Leidy Fernanda.
    2018Implementing task based learning strategy for improving 10th graders’ speaking skill at san josé provincial high school.Rojas Sierra, Edwin Yessid.
    2016Implementing reading and retelling as a strategy to enhance 6th, 7th and 8th graders’ oral production in a public school in San José de Cúcuta: an action research.Cruz Rondón, Elio Jesús.
    2018Enhancing seventh grade students´ speaking skills through project based learning using storytelling strategy at the provincial san jose high school: an action research.Acosta Velilla, Leonardo José.
    2019Enhancing 7th Graders’ Reading Comprehension Through Narrative And Descriptive Texts At Provincial San Jose High School: An Action Research. Araque Jaimes, Maria Geraldine.
    2018Drama And Literature, A Strategy To Enhance Reading Comprehension And Oral Production In 10th Graders At “La Presentacion” High School.Villamizar Medina, Manuela Stefany.
    2018Promoting oral and writing production through the implementation of task-based learning in eighth-ninth graders in the higher teaching training college “sady tobón calle.Antolinez Castro, Edwin Arley.