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    Resultados 81-90 de 244.
    Resultados por ítem:
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2021TED talk as a pedagogic tool to encourage listening skill development in ninth graders students at francisco jose de caldas, a public school.Rodriguez Velasquez, Roxana.
    2020Enhancing writing skills through news production in 9th grade students from Bethlemitas Brighton school.Ramírez González, Sandra Milena.
    2021The implementation of fables as a strategy to foster reading comprehension through workshops: A classroom action research at the eight-grade students of Águeda Gallardo de Villamizar high school.Gelvez Saavedra, Paula Andrea.
    2021Implementing explanatory videos as strategy to improve grammar skills in 9th grade students in pandemic times in Nuestra Señora de Belen High School in Salazar de las Palmas, Colombia: an action research.Ortiz Gutiérrez, Silvia Fernanda.
    2021Developing reading strategies on tenth and eleventh graders to improve their reading comprehension in their english course at the Francisco José De Caldas School: an action research.Bata Cortes, Sara Neyid.
    2022Comic Strips as a Mean of Enhancing the Reading Comprehension of the Eighth-grade Students at Francisco José de Caldas in Cúcuta, Norte de Santander: An Action Research.Toloza Ortiz, Yamith Antonio.
    2022Using family topics to promote written production through Canva platform in 7th grade students from the Bethlemitas Brighton High School in Pamplona.Bautista Boada, Wendy Bibiana.
    2021The implementation of games to improve english vocabulary in eighth grade students at San Francisco José De Caldas High School in Cucuta: An action research.Ramírez Rico, Sandy Danitza.
    2020Description of pictures as a learning tool to encourage sixth graders oral production at la presentación high school: an action research.Pesca Lamus, Viana Shirley.
    2022Using short stories as a pedagogical tool to enhance sixth grade students’ reading and listening skills at the Technical Institute Patios Centro N°2. An action research.Figueroa Quintero, Viviana Andrea.