• Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Pamplona
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    Resultados 61-70 de 244.
    Resultados por ítem:
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2020Improving writing skills through the use of fables with ninth grade students at “La Presentación” high school.Moreno Cárdenas, Vivian Fernanda.
    2020A radio show to enhance english listening skills and cultural conciousness at INEAN in Santa Rosa del Sur.Castañeda Alfonso, Jorge Mario.
    2020The FIVES Strategy as a Way to Enhance Reading Comprehension in Eleventh Graders at Normal Superior Cristo Rey School.Suárez Betancour, Jelitza Andrea.
    2020Implementing the Use of Narratives as a Strategy to Enhance Tenth Grades’ Writing Skills at Normal Superior de Corozal high school: An Action research.Ortega Tovar, Jesús Danilo.
    2021Creating an online school newspaper based on written style as a strategy to improve writing skill in 6th Grade Students at Agueda Gallardo Villamizar School.Ramírez Moncada, Jazmín Adriana.
    2022Short Stories to Enhance English Vocabulary in Sixth-Grade Students at Normal Superior Cristo Rey School in Barrancabermeja: Action Research.Saavedra Blanco, Diego Fernando.
    2022The use of pictures as a strategy to foster the speaking skills of 11th grade students at the Francisco Jose de Caldas high school in CucutaMéndez Castillo, Linda Lucía.
    2022Enhancing first semester (A1 level) students’ English speaking skills through the implementation of intercultural short readings and think aloud technique: A qualitative action research.Sánchez Contreras, Ciro Eduardo
    2022Improving seventh grade learners’ reading skills and vocabulary through literary texts at El Castillo high school.Muñoz Domínguez, Loren Lisbeth.
    2022Strengthening critical reading through the use of reading strategies in eleventh grade students of the Instituto Técnico Patios Centro No 2.Marin Delgadillo, Anderson Hans.