• Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Pamplona
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    Resultados 191-200 de 244.
    Resultados por ítem:
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2016Implementing short stories as a didactic tool to reinforce students’ reading and writing skills at Bethlemitas Brighton High School in Pamplona, Colombia.González Santos, Alexandra.
    2017The use of comic strips as innovated tool to enhance effectively 7th grade students‟ English literacy and vocabulary at provincial San Jose high school in Pamplona Norte de Santander: an action research.Villamizar Gauta, Yesid Alfredo.
    2018Implementation of a pictorial portfolio as a creative tool to enrich 6th-grade students’ vocabulary acquisition at institution educative Pablo Correa León in Colombia: an action research.Lema Suárez, Yerly Alejandra.
    2016Implementing skimming and scanning techniques to improve reading skills at José Antonio Galán a public High School.Tapias García, Nasly Fanlaine.
    2016Applying literary texts as a strategy to encourage reading comprehension and written production at San Francisco de Asís Secondary School: action research.Flórez Cifuentes, Nixon Esneider.
    2017Fostering writing skills through the use of newspaper from 6th to 9th graders at the Cristo Rey high school: an action research study.Conda Vergel, Wilmer Alexander.
    2018The Implementation of Role-Plays and Games to Improve Eleventh Grade Students’ Speaking Skills at Bethletimas Brighton School.Castellanos Castellanos, Syndy Yulieth.
    2015Content based second language learning as training to create natural communication and increase reading comprehension level in La Normal Superior School in tenth and eleventh grades.Franco Torres, Luis Gabriel.
    2018Les documents authentiques en classe de fle; une strategie pour développer la compètence de production orale chez les étudiants de français intermediaire ii niveau b1 du cadre commun de reference une recherche- action.Herrera Anaya, Tania Lorena.
    2016Implementing Skimmimg And Scanning Techniques To Improve Student´s Reading And Writing Skills.Trabajo de grado Universidad de Pamplona.Casadiegos Niz, Camilo Andres.