• Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Pamplona
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    Resultados 181-190 de 244.
    Resultados por ítem:
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2019Enhancing 7th Graders’ Reading Comprehension Through Narrative And Descriptive Texts At Provincial San Jose High School: An Action Research. Araque Jaimes, Maria Geraldine.
    2018Drama And Literature, A Strategy To Enhance Reading Comprehension And Oral Production In 10th Graders At “La Presentacion” High School.Villamizar Medina, Manuela Stefany.
    2018Promoting oral and writing production through the implementation of task-based learning in eighth-ninth graders in the higher teaching training college “sady tobón calle.Antolinez Castro, Edwin Arley.
    2018Enhancing seventh grade students´ speaking skills through project based learning using storytelling strategy at the provincial san jose high school: an action research.Delgado Vera, Manuel Alejandro.
    2016Implementation of short dialogues to reinforce High School Students’ oral competence at escuela Normal Superior Pamplona: an action research.Arias Quintero, Christian Andrés.; Bobrek Suarez, María Fernanda.; Gelvez Galvis, Kevin Jair.
    2019Using Story Bird As A Strategy To Develop Writing Skills In 7th Grade At Normal Superior In Pamplona, Colombia: An Action Research.Prieto Urquiola, Miguel Alejandro.
    2016Applying myths and legends in order to motivate students to enhance writing and reading at Jose Antonio Galan High School: an action research.Contreras Suárez, Andrea Liliana.
    2018A radio programme based on task based learning to enhance speaking skills of 6th grade students at new cambridge school: an action research.Meriño Cueva, Alex Mauricio.
    2018Promoting oral comprehension across audio storytelling in 6th grade students at cristo rey school in Pamplona, Colombia.Carvajal Rodriguez, Alba Alejandra.
    2016L’utilisation des médias français en tant qu’outilspédagogiques pour contribuer au développement de laproduction orale chez les étudiantsde cinquième semestrede la licence en langues étrangères de l’université de Pamplona: une recherche action.Díaz Ferrer, Maryan Lizeth.