• Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Pamplona
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    Resultados 161-170 de 244.
    Resultados por ítem:
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2020The implementation of culture for the growth of the four languages skills among ninth-grade students at the Centro Educativo Rural San Miguel: Task-Based Learning approach.Aguirre Contreras, Ricardo Antonio.
    2020Enhancing writing skills in 11th graders through the creation of a Pamplona tourist guide using task based learning at the Agueda Gallardo de Villamizar School.Muñoz Olivares, Segny Piedad.
    2020Enhancing reading comprehension and environmental awareness with short stories among seventh grade students at the Ortún Velasco Institution: An action research.Díaz Ferrer, Paula Andrea.
    2020Improving ninth graders writing skills by the implementation of a portfolio-based assessment.Peinado Garcia, Vianny Michelle.
    2019Implementing creative writing through short stories to strengthen the writing skill in the students of Bethlemitas Brighton High School.Rodriguez Villamizar, Paola Andrea.
    2018Implementation of didactic and authentic material in 10th grade students to improve reading comprehension of the IES Águeda Gallardo de Villamizar in Pamplona. An Action Investigation.Acevedo Rivera, Viviana Andrea.
    2018Development of productive skills through learning based on environmental projects in students of the Liceo Guayabales de Pamplonita.Diaz Bartolo, Víctor Daniel.
    2019Implementing storytelling activities to enhance speaking skills among 9th graders at “institución educativa técnica nuestra señora de la presentación chinácota N.S”.Montañez Fernández, Adriana Marcela
    2019The Implementation Of Authentic Materials Using The Task-based Learning Approach To Enhance Written Skills Of 8th Grade Students At “Escuela Normal Superior De Pamplona”: An Action Research.Maldonado García, Mónica Tatiana
    2019“One Travel, A Lot Of Lives” Portfolio, As A Tool To Improve Writing Skills And Vocabulary In 7thgraders At “La Presentación” High School: An Action Research.Quintero Mendoza, Sandrid Paola.