• Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Pamplona
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    Resultados 121-130 de 244.
    Resultados por ítem:
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2017The use of games to reinforce grammar, vocabulary and pronounciation in sixth grade learners at Bethletimas Brighton in Pamplona, Colombia.Salazar Rubio, Vraja Dhama.
    2020Applying Task-Based Learning methodology to enhance written production 8th grade students from Nuestra Señora del Rosario School.Pérez Roa, Angela Andrea.
    2020The use of english as a means for teaching environmental care to tenth grade students at Instituto Tecnico Patio Centro 2 High School: an action research.Cáceres Castellanos, Alexis Giovanny.
    2018Recreating storytelling as a strategy to foster speaking skill in tenth grade students at bethlemitas brighton high school.Baños Siza, Emerson Smith.
    2019The Scrapbooking as a Tool to Enhance Writing Skills in 6th Graders at ‘La Presentación High School’.Araque Lamus, Jeniffer Dayana.
    2019Improving Speaking Skill through the Implementation of Task-Based Learning in Sixth Graders at ‘La Presentación High School.Álvarez Mancipe, Maie Valentina.
    2021The Interactive Readings E-Portfolio as an Educational Tool to Enhance 11th Grade Students’ Literal and Inferential Reading Comprehension at the Escuela Normal Superior Cristo Rey in Barrancabermeja: An Action-Research.Torres Bernal, Asly Michel.
    2020Enhancing Oral Production through Task Based Learning in virtual environments in 8th grade students at Provincial San José High School: An action research.Cárdenas Granados, Alex Yesid.
    2021The Use of Online Resources as a Tool to Improve Writing Skills in EFL Reflecting About Health Emergency with 6th Brighton Bethlemitas High School.Rúa Vásquez, Ana Gabriela.
    2020Art as a means to develop speaking skills among ninth-graders at “Bethlemitas Brighton High school Pamplona”: An action research.Quintana Flórez, Edilia.