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    Resultados 101-110 de 244.
    Resultados por ítem:
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2020Implementing Breaking News to Enhance Writing Skill in Seventh Graders At “José Antonio Galán High School”Gélvez Rivero, Anyela Mariely.
    2020Applying Short-Talks as a tool to encourage speaking for A1 level students in a public school: An action research.Moreno Sanchez, Angela Silvana
    2020Implementation of Reading Strategies to Enhance Reading Skills of 10th Grade Students at Escuela Normal Superior de Pamplona.Castellanos Suarez, Aura Cristina.
    2020The Use of the Travelogue to develop Writing Skills in 6th Grade Students At San Francisco de Sales High School in Cúcuta: An Action Research.Castellanos Velandia, Jim Jefferson.
    2020The Use of Games to Enhance Speaking Skills in 8th Graders Students at Provincial San José High School In Pamplona.Peña Bautista, Jeferson Alexander.
    2020The game-based learning method to enhance library instructions and pronunciation in eighth grade students at Manuela Beltrán High School in San José del Guaviare, Colombia: an action research design.Gutiérrez Quintero, José Yesid.
    2020Improving reading comprehension in 6th graders in a public school through reading strategies: an action research.Cordon Solano, Jennifer Rocío.
    2020Using piece of fairy tale performances to promote oral skill at Bethlemitas Brighton High School in Pamplona.Bandera Mejía, Gloria Maryuris.
    2020Implementing the use of short fables to foster reading skills and vocabulary acquisition in sixth grade students at Instituto Tecnico Agricola Carcasi.Bernal Cerinza, Federico.
    2020Enhancing speaking skills through the implementation of role plays in students from 7th grade at Julio Perez Ferrero high school in Cucuta, Colombia.Peña Maldonado, Jesús David.