• Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Pamplona
  • Trabajos de pregrado y especialización
  • Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
  • Administración de Empresas
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    dc.contributor.authorRojas Jaimes, Paola Andrea.-
    dc.identifier.citationRojas Jaimes, P. A. (2019). Formulación de estrategias para construcción del Plan de Desarrollo 2021-2030 de la Universidad de Pamplona [Trabajo de Grado Pregrado, Universidad de Pamplona]. Repositorio Hulago Universidad de Pamplona. http://repositoriodspace.unipamplona.edu.co/jspui/handle/20.500.12744/4269es_CO
    dc.descriptionLa autora no proporciona la información sobre este ítem.es_CO
    dc.description.abstractIn the professional practice, the student can continue his learning and development of skills in the fields in which he works, making his training stronger, and applying the theoretical and practical corrections necessary to acquire his professional title through the complementary training model. that generates your professional practice. Therefore, for the student it is the opportunity to have a contact and to recognize at first hand the labor reality, as well as to strengthen their academic, personal and professional training, giving way to a complement of knowledge in theory and in practice, which will also allow you to compare expectations with the career, measure the reality of the labor scene, start building a network of contacts, strengthen your expertise in certain topics and add a valuable career to your resume. The success of any company depends to a certain extent on the constant and effective reviews made of your business, its costs, your income and your expenses. For this reason for the University of Pamplona have a tool that allows you to project, record, monitor and evaluate the variables previously exposed, will allow you to raise policies and strategies to achieve your goals and measure your investment through the office of planning and in conjunction with your team. In the present work the evaluation of the 2012-2020 development plan is made, verifying the degree of efficiency and effectiveness, the suitability, that is, if our project is adapted to the reality and the objectives, as is the decision making process and a prospective analysis of how future actions should be. This in order to design the methodological proposal of the 2021-2030 development plan model of the University of Pamplona.es_CO
    dc.publisherUniversidad de Pamplona - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales.es_CO
    dc.subjectLa autora no proporciona la información sobre este ítem.es_CO
    dc.titleFormulación de estrategias para construcción del Plan de Desarrollo 2021-2030 de la Universidad de Pamplona.es_CO
    dc.relation.referencesPlaneación estratégica (Idalberto Chiavenato). Disponible en: https://www.casadellibro.com/libroplaneacionestrategica/9781456256630/57 65946es_CO
    dc.relation.referencesPlan de desarrollo 2016 – 2020 Universidad de Pamplona. Disponible en: http://www.unipamplona.edu.co/unipamplona/portalIG/home_71/recursos/01 _general/25052016/plan_desarrollo_2012-2020.pdfes_CO
    dc.relation.referencesPlan de desarrollo 2016 – 2020 Universidad de Pamplona. Disponible en: http://www.unipamplona.edu.co/unipamplona/portalIG/home_71/recursos/01 _general/25052016/plan_desarrollo_actualizacion.pdfes_CO
    dc.relation.referenceshttps://www.usco.edu.co/archivosUsuarios/12/publicacion_pagina_we b/plan_estrategico_de_desarrollo_20132027/documentos/Metodologia%20Plan%20Estrategico%20de%20De sarrollo%20USCO.pdfes_CO
    dc.relation.referenceshttps://cursos.campusvirtualsp.org/pluginfile.php/2267/mod_resource/c ontent/1/Modulo_1/trabajo_en_equipo.pdfes_CO
    dc.relation.referenceshttp://www.nucleusinternational.net/Nuc_Spanisch/S10_Download_es/ S02_Nuc_Work/S02-01_Nuc_Work/Metodo_de_Moderacion.pdf.es_CO
    Aparece en las colecciones: Administración de Empresas

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