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    Resultados 71-80 de 173.
    Resultados por ítem:
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2021The use of short videos as a mean for improving speaking skill through environmental awareness in 11th grade students at the educational institution Francisco José de Caldas.Díaz Forero, Mónica Paola.
    2021Implementation of reading through short stories, a strategy for learning a foreign language in the ninth grade at the Águeda Gallardo Villamizar Technical School: an action research.Pombo Vera, Lynda Stephany.
    2021The use of videoclips as an audiovisual material in the development of the students’ English listening skill from ninth and tenth courses in a public high school in Los Patios : an action research.Mesa Capacho, Mileidy Esmeralda.
    2021Enhancing ninth grade students oral comprehension through the use of online games at Bethlemitas Brighton School: An action research.Suarez Llanes, Nathaly.
    2021Implementation of storytelling and songs as source of development of the basic english components in 10th grade students at Bethlemitas Brighton high school in Pamplona: an action research design.Villamizar Pérez, July Andrea.
    2021La danza contemporánea como medio de expresión corporal en época de confinamiento en la formación escolar de estudiantes de básica secundaria y media.Ladino Álvarez, Diana Carolina.
    2021Juegos didácticos como herramienta integradora en tiempos de pandemia.Fonseca Vega, Alixon Jhoana.
    2021Mini-voleibol como estrategia para el fortalecimiento de las habilidades motrices básicas de los estudiantes de séptimo (703) del Colegio Integrado Fe y Alegría, Los Patios, Norte de Santander.Muñoz Torres, Diana Carolina.
    2021The use of an educational blog to improve 10th grade Students’ Written Skill At ‘José Rafael Faria Bermudez High School’: An Action Research.Lozada Espinel, Edna Mayrely.
    2021The implementation of short stories to enhance reading skill in 7th and 8th grade students at Provincial San José School.Rosas Mendoza, Erika Paola.