• Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Pamplona
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    Resultados 2241-2250 de 7970.
    Resultados por ítem:
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2022Enhancing 9th grade students’ written production skill through the creative writing strategy at Monseñor Ricardo Trujillo Gutierrez school: An action pedagogical research.Barrera López, Gloria Judith.
    2022Enhancing 8th and 9th grade students´ English reading comprehension through the implementation of Mind Maps.Gamboa Bermúdez, Juan José
    2022Reinforcing 7th graders reading comprehension, pronunciation and critical thinking development through the creation of extracurricular group reading spaces.Perdomo Otero, Ruben Danilo.
    2022Using narrative texts through educational videos to enhance writing skill in seventh graders at Instituto Técnico Patios Centro dos: an action Research.Valencia Torres, Maria Fernanda.
    2022The use of urban poetry as a mean to enhance reading comprehension and develop writing production on eleventh graders at Águeda Gallardo de Villamizar High School: An action research.Hernández González, Nancy Yolima.
    2022Digital platforms as an academic tool to promote reading comprehension of English as a foreign language: an action research in the classroom with high school students of a public school in Colombia.Bonilla Cárdenas, Nivia Juliet.
    2022Atelier d’écriture créative comme un outil pédagogique pour l’encouragement de l’expression écrite en classe de FLE à L’Alliance Française de Bucaramanga : une recherche-action.Guerrero Rosales, Marly Estefani.
    2022Infographics as a teaching tool to foster reading comprehension. An action research in 9th-grade students from Bethlemitas Brighton School.Ardila Márquez, Nathaly.
    2022The role of creative activities such as comic strips and short stories to enhance writing production in Ninth grade students: action research.Martinez Robles, Marilyn Julieth.
    2020El juego como estrategia didáctica para la mediación en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en matemáticas.Duarte Duque, Wilmer Fander. Acevedo Becerra, Maria De Los Angeles.