• Repositorio Institucional Universidad de Pamplona
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    Resultados 2211-2220 de 7970.
    Resultados por ítem:
    Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
    2021Gamification as an innovative strategy to support grammatical knowledge of english in 10th grade students at Educational Institution Colegio Integrado Juan Atalaya.Álvarez Castellanos, Keyla Liliana.
    2021Using comic strips to promote reading comprehension in 9th grade students at la Divina Pastora School.Contreras Roa, Liseth Fernanda.
    2020Implementing reading strategies and ICFES mock exams as a tool to improve reading comprehension on 11th grade students at the INEM Jorge Isaacs School in Cali.Alomía Hurtado, Leidy Jhoana.
    2020Implementing ict's as a tool to improve tenth graders' reading comprehension at Francisco José de Caldas School:An action research.Villamizar Bueno, Liseth Karely.
    2020Writing skills improvement through the creation of a comic strip in 8th grade at Cristo Rey School: An action-research.Hernández Salazar, Leidy Nataly.
    2022Improving eighth graders’ oral production through the implementation of interactive games by using digital tools at Tomasa Najera School. An Action Research.Otero Acuña, Indrina.
    2021Enhacing San Patricio School 7th and 8th graders’ oral and writing production through information communication technologies.Alfonso Ballesteros, Julieth Andrea.
    2021Implementation of storytelling and songs as source of development of the basic english components in 10th grade students at Bethlemitas Brighton High School in Pamplona: an action research design.Villamizar Perez, July Andrea.
    2020Promoting first semester students’ speaking skills through cooperative learning activities at the University of Pamplona.García Rey, Katherin Yurley.
    2020Implementing writer's workshop as a strategy to develop writing skills in ninth grade students at Instituto Agrícola de Carcasí.Rincón Tobar, Karen Lorena.